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In this month’s Plan Like A Pro Club Virtual Chat, it was Sally’s chance to share. She was excited to begin offering her services as a business coach. She had spoken at a few events in the past and was booked for several in the coming months. She asked us how she could use these opportunities to fill her coaching business with high-paying clients. Here’s what everyone shared… 


Some speakers use their entire speech just to pitch their products or services and that annoys the audience quickly,” Jamie pointed out.  

Here’s the thing, there’s nothing wrong with making an offer to a roomful of event attendees, provided you have the host’s blessing. But before you do this, you want to show the audience that you care about their problems and genuinely want to help. 


Use your presentation as a chance to provide value to the community that paid to show up. This means you want to include actual substance to your content. Don’t promise “15 ways to market your business on social media” then spend forty-five minutes talking about yourself.  

You want to include so much value in your speech that when attendees to go to leave, they say, “Wow! That alone was worth the admission ticket I paid!”  


“Sometimes, speakers come on the stage and they have such an air of self-importance that it totally turns me off,” Shannon confessed. “I like it when speakers are real and honest rather than arrogant.” 

You want to be professional on stage but also want to remain relatable. When your audience feels connected to you, they’re more willing to listen to you, take your advice, and even buy from you. 

You can help your audience see you as human by sharing a story from your own life, making a funny joke (be sure it’s appropriate), or using a metaphor that will speak to them (choose one that isn’t overdone).  


When it is time to make an offer, be mindful of your branding. If your brand is laid-back and casual, then a hard-sell approach made in a loud manner is going to confuse your audience and may even turn them off. 

Regardless of what you’re selling, you want the brand experience to be consistent with your community. When your audience feels comfortable with your brand and knows what to expect, they’ll be more likely to make a purchase. 


“I’ve been speaking for several years,” Katie shared, “I’ve worked with some wonderful clients as a result of my events. But for the most part, they didn’t sign up at the conference we were attending. I had to cultivate the seed.” 

You may not get clients right away from speaking at an event. Don’t let this get you down. 

Events can lead to connections that eventually become some of your best (and most fun!) clients. 

But this process does take time.

You’ll need to be patient and carefully follow up with your attendees regularly. You never know who might end up hiring you from an event! 


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