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GOING OUT ON A HIGH NOTE: What To Do After A Speaking Event

Most event speakers spend most of their time before an event preparing for it. Then when they arrive, they do their speech, hang out with other speakers, form connections, and put on their own speeches. 

But that’s only half the process. Just as you would have a packing checklist to ensure take everything you need; you also want an “after-care” checklist for events. Here’s what you want to do following a conference or seminar… 


Take the time to thank your host. This will make you stand out in a positive way in your host’s mind. Remember, this host may organise other events in the future or may know other conference hosts who are looking for a speaker. 

If possible, try to hand-write this note. It doesn’t have to be long or detailed. Simply thank them for the opportunity. Then mention one or two aspects of the conference that you enjoyed. Sign your name and post it to them.


The wonderful thing about conferences and events is that it gives you the opportunity to connect with other speakers and thought leaders in your industry. If you made any promises, you want to follow up right away. 

For example, if you agree to write the foreword for someone’s new book, reach out via email or text message. Let them know you’re looking forward to reading their book. 


Attendees from the event may have wanted to speak with you about a topic in-depth. Perhaps they wanted a discovery session from you or maybe they were interested in a one-on-one consultation package you offer. 

Once you’re back in your office, be sure to follow up. Let the attendee know that you hope to connect soon and give them a link to your favourite calendar scheduling tool so they can book a slot with you. 


Conferences and events can be a great place to find new ideas. Perhaps you thought of the perfect title for the book you’re writing or maybe you heard about an income stream that would be an excellent fit for your business. 

If you’re like most people, you probably scribbled this idea down or took a quick note on your smart device. The problem is that if you had a lot of ideas, then you may have difficulty acting on all of them.  

Don’t let the overwhelm of new ideas keep you from taking action. Instead, sit down and sort through your ideas as soon as possible. You might want to create a list of ideas you want to implement now and those you want to act on later. 

Speaking events are fun and energising. But they can also be tiring, too.

Pro-Tip: Make sure that you plan for a day or two of recovery time. You can use that time to do the tasks above and squeeze in an extra nap or two if you need it! 


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