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Hypnotherapy & BWRT® For Coaches, Consultants and Therapists.

Empowering Life Coaches Through Hypnotherapy & BWRT®

Welcome to a transformative journey tailored exclusively for life coaches. These personalised hypnotherapy sessions are designed to help you overcome challenges like Imposter Syndrome, enhance your visibility, reignite motivation, and embrace your authentic coach identity.


Experience profound personal growth and step confidently into your coaching excellence.


Begin your empowered coaching evolution today.

These specialized Hypnotherapy and BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT) sessions are designed to empower you to overcome challenges such as Imposter Syndrome, boost visibility, ignite motivation, embrace your Coach identity, and take actionable steps towards your coaching business goals.

Whether you're just starting out, juggling multiple responsibilities, or returning to coaching after a break, I'm here to guide you through a powerful transformation.


Discover how the synergy of Hypnotherapy and BWRT® can unlock your true coaching potential and propel you towards success. 

Ignite Motivation and Turn Dreams into Reality

Are you feeling stuck in a cycle of acquiring resources without taking meaningful action towards your coaching goals?


Motivation is the driving force behind turning aspirations into achievements.


These sessions are crafted to ignite your inner motivation, empowering you to take decisive steps towards success.

Many coaches find themselves trapped in a cycle of accumulating resources without translating them into meaningful progress. This could stem from an overload of courses, materials, and tools, leading to uncertainty about how to effectively apply them.


Additionally, vague or undefined goals can contribute to a lack of motivation, leaving you feeling adrift and unsure of where to direct your efforts.


The struggle to bridge the gap between acquiring resources and taking actionable steps can be discouraging. Hypnotherapy and BWRT®  taps into your subconscious mind to help you break free from this pattern and harness the power of motivation to propel your coaching journey forward.


Guided sessions assist in clarifying your objectives and developing a strong emotional connection to your aspirations. 


Benefits You Can Expect:


  • Focused Action: Hypnotherapy and BWRT® aligns your conscious and subconscious minds, propelling you towards specific and achievable goals.


  • Resource Activation: Break the cycle of unused resources as these sessions encourages you to implement what you've acquired effectively.


  • Sustainable Progress: Develop a consistent drive to overcome challenges and maintain momentum on your coaching journey.

Coach Imposter Syndrome

Do you find yourself doubting your coaching abilities despite your experience or training?


Coach Imposter Syndrome can hinder your progress and hold you back from making the impact you're capable of.


The constant fear of being exposed as a fraud can be paralyzing. 

Hypnotherapy and BWRT® targets the root causes of Coach Imposter Syndrome by delving into your subconscious mind.


Through guided sessions, I'll help you reframe negative thought patterns and beliefs that contribute to feelings of inadequacy.


By rewiring your subconscious, you'll experience heightened self-confidence, improved self-image, and a deep-seated belief in your coaching prowess.​


Benefits You Can Expect:

  • Renewed Confidence: Hypnotherapy and BWRT® empowers you to recognize your accomplishments and skills, erasing self-doubt.


  • Authenticity: Shedding imposter feelings allows your authentic coaching style to shine through, attracting clients authentically.


  • Impactful Coaching: With newfound confidence, you'll create a more profound impact on your clients, driving them towards success.

Amplify Visibility and Confidence 

Are you struggling to put yourself out there, both online and offline, as a confident and successful Coach?


The journey to visibility can be daunting, but it's a crucial step towards realizing your coaching aspirations.


These hypnotherapy and BWRT® sessions are designed to help you overcome these hurdles and emerge as a confident, visible, and effective coach.

If the thought of sharing your expertise on social media gives you anxiety, you're not alone. Many Coaches battle self-doubt when it comes to online visibility.


Whether it's speaking at events or introducing yourself as a Coach, feeling confident in face-to-face interactions is vital for attracting clients.


Hypnotherapy and BWRT® targets the subconscious barriers that hinder your visibility and confidence. Through guided sessions, we address the deep-seated fears and insecurities that hold you back. By rewiring your inner dialogue, you'll naturally exude confidence and enthusiasm.​


Benefits You Can Expect:

  • Fearless Online Presence: These sessions empowers you to share your expertise on social media without fear of judgment or inadequacy.


  • Engaging Conversations: Say goodbye to self-doubt during in-person and virtual interactions, allowing you to present your coaching with conviction.


  • Effective Sales Approach: Hypnotherapy and BWRT® helps you develop a positive mindset around selling, making it easier to communicate the value of your services and programs.

If you're ready to bridge the gap between intention and action, and reclaim your Coaching confidence, then let this time be your catalyst for transformation, turning your coaching dreams into reality.

Book your free 30-minute alignment chat, this is to see if these modalities are right for you and what you want to release and transform. 

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