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Pre-Qualification Questionnaire for "Done With You" Service

Done With You is now fully booked for the rest of 2024. In addition to this, I will only be working with Spiritual Entrepreneurs. If this is you and you'd like to join the waitlist, please complete the questionnaire below.​

Thank you for your interest in my "Done With You" Coaching Program. 

This program is all about working closely together to elevate your coaching practice.


To make sure we're a good fit, please take a few moments to answer these questions.


Your responses will help me understand your needs and how I can best support you.

Business Details

How long have you been in business?
Less than 1 year
1-3 years
3-5 year
More than 5 year

Current Challenges

What are the biggest challenges you’re currently facing in your coaching business? (Select all that apply)

Desired Outcomes

Commitment and Availability

This program requires a commitment of meeting for an hour twice a week for one month. Are you able to commit to this schedule?

Additional Information


I understand that the "Done With You" service costs £500 and I am ready to invest in this program if selected:

I understand that there are only two spots available per month and filling out this questionnaire does not guarantee a spot:

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

I’ll review your responses and reach out to schedule a brief call to discuss your needs and see if we're a good fit to work together.

Looking forward to potentially working with you!

Nothing But Love


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